The Highest Calling Comments

Highest Calling Journal
I'm not much of a book reader, but I do listen to audio books in my car. Larry gave me the CD set to listen to and I listened to 6 disks so far as I have a 6 disk changer in my car.

Today, I told Larry that I'm done with 6 disks and can't wait till the last CD.
"I need the blue journal" I said.
He gave me the set with the book and the journal... lol I couldn't resist. I read the last chapters on the spot.

This book is great and I can relate to it because my department is a business on it's own. Same goes for any departments within a business. In that sense, I can be a leader within my business(department). I got me a blue journal now :)
—Evan I. - 2/10/10